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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 39, Issue 4, pp. 1023-1365

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Stability and Bifurcation Analysis of Volterra Functional Equations in the Light of Suns and Stars

Odo Diekmann, Philipp Getto, and Mats Gyllenberg

pp. 1023-1069

Spectra of Linearized Operators for NLS Solitary Waves

Shu-Ming Chang, Stephen Gustafson, Kenji Nakanishi, and Tai-Peng Tsai

pp. 1070-1111

Extremal First Dirichlet Eigenvalue of Doubly Connected Plane Domains and Dihedral Symmetry

Ahmad El Soufi and Rola Kiwan

pp. 1112-1119

A New Look at Equilibria in Stefan-Type Problems in the Plane

Piotr B. Mucha and Piotr Rybka

pp. 1120-1134

Weakly Coupled Schrödinger Operators on Regular Metric Trees

Hynek KovařÍk

pp. 1135-1149

Total Variation Regularization for Image Denoising, I. Geometric Theory

William K. Allard

pp. 1150-1190

Uniqueness in the Faber–Krahn Inequality for Robin Problems

Daniel Daners and James Kennedy

pp. 1191-1207

Diffusion Mediated Transport in Multiple State Systems

Stuart Hastings, David Kinderlehrer, and J. Bryce McLeod

pp. 1208-1230

Synchronization of Discrete-Time Dynamical Networks with Time-Varying Couplings

Wenlian Lu, Fatihcan M. Atay, and Jürgen Jost

pp. 1231-1259

On Diffusion Induced Segregation in Time-Dependent Domains

Thomas Blesgen

pp. 1260-1294

The Boundary Behavior of Blow-Up Solutions Related to a Stochastic Control Problem with State Constraint

Tommaso Leonori and Alessio Porretta

pp. 1295-1327

An Inverse Problem for a Dynamical Lamé System with Residual Stress

Victor Isakov, Jenn-Nan Wang, and Masahiro Yamamoto

pp. 1328-1343

Existence and Uniqueness of Global Strong Solutions for One-Dimensional Compressible Navier–Stokes Equations

A. Mellet and A. Vasseur

pp. 1344-1365